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Scheduling My Current Tasks

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It is really stressful when you are given too many obstacles at the same time. Just imagine you have 10 assignments due tomorrow; my brain would fry immediately. However, we still need to overcome those cringe situations from time to time in order to step forward. Here’s what I am currently doing to organize my tasks to solve some problems.

Small step for today, Giant leap for your next decade.

First: Writing down all tasks in your notes

You can never remember all tasks and priorities in your memory simultaneously. It is very essential to prioritize each task and list them to create a task process. For me, I ought to finish internship applications, homework, study, and reinforce my resume by doing more activities in computer science, etc. There may be more, but we will see how this prioritizing process works for now.

Second: Categorizing each process based on whether it can be solved in a short time or a long time period.

It is obviously impossible to carry them out all on just a day or a week. A couple of them ask long time period, others don’t.

  • Internship Application: It is important to keep a persistence to track each internship’s progress and apply for more. It can take more than three months. — Less urgent
  • Homework: It depends from time to time. I don’t have much homework now. — Urgent
  • Study: You need to find out which subjects are urgent to acquire soon. I have exams next week –Very urgent
  • Resume Revision: It is mandatory for assuring internship programs, obviously, but I am saying that it is fundamental throughout your career path to update your resume with recent news about you. – Urgent

Final: Creating a Table to Schedule Your Next Day, Week, or Month. (I Don’t Like Year-Periodic Scheduling)

Urgency LevelDeadlineTask
Very urgentnext weekstudy (prep for exam)
Urgentnot surehomework
Urgentno deadlineresume revision
Less urgentneed to keep on doing itinternship application


Everyone has their own way to organize given tasks. I just showed you how mine works. I hope I do everything clear, and you do your stuff without any hurdles before you at all very soon 🙂

Comments are welcome! Let me know if you find any grammar mistakes!

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